Hush Tag #selfportraitofnoise2024 #hirota_sanpo2024 2024.9/6 UPDATE ツイキャス配信チケット販売開始!、英語フライヤー、メンバーたちによる楽曲Cover動画を追加
Eメールにて予約受付中です。普段ご連絡の取りやすいメールアドレスから申し込みお願いいたします。予約受付の先着順で整理番号を発行いたします。混雑の場合、整理番号順での入場となります。 当日のご清算となります。
予約メールアドレスはこちら ttsproducts0125@gmail.com
件名:9月チケット予約 お名前(ニックネーム可): 予約希望公演 以下から不要なものを削除し希望枚数を記入してください 9/16 京都 枚数: 9/17 京都裏路地散歩のみ 枚数: トークショー+ミニLIVEのみ 枚数: 京都裏路地散歩/トークショー+ミニLIVE通し 枚数:9/18 東京 枚数:弘田やメンバーにメッセージがございましたら: 以上. ※2日経っても確認メールが送られてこない場合、お手数ですが再度ご連絡のほど、よろしくお願いいたします。
京都 Second Rooms
OPEN 18:00 START 18:30 ※中休憩あり END 20:30⇒ 終演後プチ打ち上げあり
オーダーストップ:22:00 閉場時間:22:30
前売り¥4,000 当日¥4,500 +1Drink/¥500
京都裏路地散歩(弘田と歩く伏見観光)START 12:30
京都 ORANGE HOUSE (トーク&ミニライブ)START 18:00
探訪ツアー/トークショー通し ¥3,500(+消費税¥350+拝観料等実費) 満員御礼
どちらかだけ参加の場合 ¥2,000(+消費税¥200)
当日券なし 定員15名程度
東京池袋 FIELD
OPEN 18:30 START 19:00 END 20:30 閉場時間:21:00前売り¥4,000 当日¥4,500 +1Drink/¥500 満員御礼
■配信スタート 19:00
■配信チケット 2,800円
■TwitCasting streaming
Kyoto will be a one-night-only performance with no streaming, but Tokyo will have a premium streaming service via TwitCasting.
You can watch until 2 weeks after the concert, but we would like to ask you to “purchase until the day of the concert” due to the settlement with the venue. Purchasing from outside Japan is also possible.
URL to purchase streaming tickets (in Japanese, but purchases can be made from outside Japan)
■Streaming starts at 7PM(JST)
■Ticket price: 2,800 yen
Composer Yoshitaka Hirota’s music will be performed by Benyamin Nuss (Piano), Shauno Isomura (Violin), and Hirota himself on cello. The trio will perform a selfcover concert. The concert will reconstruct Hirota’s world in a variety of styles, including classical, jazz, rock, electro, contemporary, and ethnic music. Held in Kyoto and Tokyo in September, Hirota’s birthday month. There will also be an event to walk around Fushimi, Kyoto, where Hirota was born and raised, with the above members.
Reservations can be made by e-mail. Lines will be arranged in order of number after reservations are received. In case of congestion, please enter in order of number. Reservations can be made by e-mail. We will provide you with our email address again.
Reservation email address
We will keep you updated and informed about ticket reservations, the TwitCasting and Kyoto Back Alley Walk event.
弘田佳孝 (Yoshitaka Hirota)// CELLO,ELECTRO.
京都出身。エレクトロと民族楽器のサウンドを融合させ、洋の東西、時代の新旧を自在に繋ぐコンポーザー、アレンジャー。ゲームや映像作品、舞台作品のサウンドトラックを数多く作曲。代表作にRPG「SHADOW HEARTS」シリーズ。「PENNY BLOOD」「PENNY BLOOD:HELLBOUND」楽曲制作中。
Born in Kyoto, Japan. Composer and arranger who fuses the sounds of electro and ethnic instruments, freely connecting the old and new sounds of the times. He composes for many video games, movies and stage. His representative works include the RPG “SHADOW HEARTS” series. Currently working on “PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND” and “PENNY BLOOD”.
ベンヤミン・ヌス (Benyamin Nuss)// PIANO.
Born in Cologne is known for his video game interpretations of various video games. His wide range in musical styles as a pianist and as a composer/arranger led him to collaborate with orchestras like the London Symphony and the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra.
磯村ショウノ (Shauno Isomura) // VIOLIN.
Japanese violinist born and raised in New Zealand, winner of multiple national and international competitions. He is known for his delicate interpretations and sensitive playing, drawing influence from contemporary classical music.